The Variants control of the Workflow Analyzer has 3 sections; a grid for variant selection and display of variant metrics, a graph to enable selection of a single variant, and options specific to the current analytic

Process Mining Variant Control

Sankey Variant Control

Variant Selection Grid

The Variant Selection Grid allows for the selection of 1 or more variants to be displayed in the current analytic.   The default number of variants selected is 10.   The fields available in the Variant Selector are;





A unique indicator for Variants, order by tasks desc i.e. Variant #1 has the most amount of tasks



The # of tasks in a variant


% Total Tasks

The % of total tasks that a variant represents


Avg Duration

The average duration of tasks in a variant, based on the timestamp of the first activity defined and the last activity (calendar time)



Indicates if the variant contains one or more loops i.e. a step that goes back to an activity that had previously occurred



Indicates if the variant has one of more non-compliant steps



Indicates if a variant is fully automated i.e. all steps are flagged as automated


Avg Actual Cost

Displays the average actual cost of a task in the variant, based on costs allocated to steps within the variant


Min Duration

The minimum lifecycle duration of a task within the variant


Max Duration

The maximum lifecycle duration of a task within the variant


Std Deviation

The standard deviation of the duration of tasks in a variant (calendar time).  This can be used to detect unstable variants i.e. variants where some tasks take very little time, and others take an extended amount of time to resolve/close


Avg Target Cost

Displays the average target cost of a task in the variant, based on costs allocated to steps within the variant


Avg Savings

Displays the average saving per tasks, based on the actual and target costs entered


Total Savings

Displays the total saving for all tasks associated with the variant, based on the actual and target costs entered



The # of events in a variant


% Total Events

The % of total events that a variant represents



The number of steps in the variant



To change the columns displayed, select the Columns tab to the right of the grid which will show all available columns:



To filter the grid, select the Filters tab to the right of the grid, select the column you wish to filter, and then enter the filter:



The following are capabilities of the variant selection grid.  

Select Variants

To select variants to display in the Process Explorer, use the standard windows functionality for multi-select within the grid. You can also perform a range selection by click, drag, then release.

Note: The following capabilities are generic across all grids within Workflow Analytics


Click the column header to sort by a column.  An arrow will then appear in the column header indicating that the column is sorted as well as the sort direction

Context Menu

The context menu enables further analysis of a variant and is available by right clicking a variant row


Options include:



Insights -> Decompose

Opens the Decomposition Tree visual to allow analyse of the tasks associated with the selected variant (refer Decomposition Tree)

Insights -> Insights

Opens the Insights visual to allow analyse of the tasks associated with the selected variant (refer Insights)

Insights -> Influencers

Opens the Influencers visual to allow analyse of the tasks associated with the selected variant (refer Influencers)

Issues -> DetailOpens the issue detail modal to show the attributes for each issue related to the selected variant
Issues -> History

Opens the issue history model to display an graph showing the history of issues created for the selected variant

Issues -> Histogram

Opens the histogram modal to display an issue duration histogram for the issues associated with the selected variant

Issues -> LifecycleOpens the issue lifecycle modal to show the a graphical representation of the steps associated with each issue for the selected variant

Events -> Detail

Opens the event detail modal to show the attributes for each event related to the selected variant

Events -> Histogram

Opens the histogram modal  to  display an event duration histogram for the events associated with the selected variant


Export grid data to either CSV or XLS.  Note that only visible columns will be exported


Variant Graph

When the Visualizer analytic is displayed, clicking a variant in the graph will activate the ‘Variant Select Action’ option currently selected;  Animate highlight the selected variant, Lifecycle to dynamically highlight the selected variant, and Isolate to remove all variants other than the selected variants.    To turn off the selected ‘Variant Select Action’, re-click the selected Variant  in the graph.  The colours used for animation and lifecycle display can be set in the Settings -> Explorer pane

Visualizer Options


Highlight Steps

Checking the highlights options will highlight loops with the respective attributes.   The colours used to highlight can be set in the Settings pane

Step Width

This allows you to select the metric that determines the width of step links between activities. 


The Filter options can be used to only view variants that contain Loops, are Compliant or Automated.   Note that these are indeterminate check-boxes.  i.e. if Filter-Loops is unchecked, only variants that do not contain loops will display, if it is checked only variants containing loops will display, if it is neutral   (default), no filter will apply

Workflow Options


Step Width

This allows you to select the metric that determines the width of step links between activities.


The Filter options can be used to only view variants that contain Loops, are Compliant or Automated.   Note that these are indeterminate check-boxes.  i.e. if Filter-Loops is unchecked, only variants that do not contain loops will display, if it is checked only variants containing loops will display, if it is neutral   (default), no filter will apply