
This document provides a comprehensive walk-through of creating a process mining model in the Process Miner application, checking the execution log, editing and processing compliance, exporting data and analysing statistics related to the process mining event log data generated

The process mining model to be create will analyse the different pathway’s that incidents have in terms of the changes in the incident state.     This is a common requirement in service management process mining as the resultant event log data and process mining visualisations will enable the end user to determine things like;

  • Non-compliance – stage changes that should not have occurred
  • Re-assignments or loops in the process causing inefficiency and increased resolution time
  • Which stage changes result in above average resolution duration

Details of each field and the purpose of the field can be found in the User Guide section at https://metricus.freshdesk.com/support/solutions.   All fields also have usage hints available by hovering over the field label


Step 1 – Create an activity type to track the event you’re interested in

  1. Navigate to Process Miner -> Activity Types
  2. Select New
  3. Ensure Type = Audit Workflow
  4. Enter Name = ‘Incident – State’
  5. Description can be left blank
  6. For the Table field, use the Lookup and select the ‘Incident’ table
  7. For the Field field, use the Lookup and select the ‘Incident State’ field.  Note that ‘Incident State’ is associated with the ‘Incident’ table
  8. In the Label field, enter ‘ [Value]’
  9. Accept the default Sequence Priority of 100
  10. Click Submit


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Description automatically generated


For detailed information on the entry of Activity Types, refer to https://metricus.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/26000044455-activity-types


Step 2 – Create a Process Model

  1. Navigate to Process Miner -> Process Models
  2. Select New
  3. Number will be automatically populated with a sequential number prefixed by ‘PME’
  4. Enter Name = ‘Incident – State’ 
  5. Description can be left blank
  6. For Notification Users, select ‘Add Me’ to enable notification of completed processing to yourself, or ‘Unlock Notification Users’ to select other ServiceNow users

    Process Parameters

  7. Select the required Task Table ‘Incident’ from the filtered TableName drilldown
  8. Filters can be added to reduce the number of tasks processed or select a subset of tasks e.g. a certain category of incidents.   For the purposes of this exercise, add a filter on ‘sys_id’ - ‘less than or is’ - ‘7’.  This will effectively process 50% of the overall incident volume.
  9. For the End Timestamp field, the fields in the Task Table selected will be listed. Select the ‘Closed’ field (which contains the timestamp for when an incident was closed)

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    Data Parameters
  10. Select the Load Type = ‘Full’ (the initial process should be a ‘Full’ process.  Subsequent processing can be ‘Incremental’
  11. Enter a From Date (based on create timestamp of the task table selected) – ‘2010-01-01’
  12. Enter a To Date (based on create timestamp of the task table selected) – ‘2021-01-01’
  13. At this stage, the number of tasks to be processed can be checked by clicking the Count Tasks form button.   This number will be displayed in an alert message.  If it is higher than ‘The maximum number of tasks to be processed based on the data parameters set’ in the application properties settings, the record will not be able to be saved.  Change either the Process Parameters filters settings or the From/To Date in Data Parameters

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    Model Parameters

  14. Select the System User via the lookup field.   This is the user to substituted as the user associated with an event when ServiceNow says that the SYSTEM user was associated with the event.  
  15. Accept the default settings for Inherit Step Compliance, Process Start Label, Process End Label, Activity Separator and Merge Occurrences.

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    Export Parameters

  16. Accept the default values for all fields in the Export Parameters tab

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Description automatically generated

  17. Click ‘Submit’ to save the Process Model definition.


For detailed information on the entry of Process Mining Models and what each field means, refer to https://metricus.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/26000044456-process-models


Step 3 – Assign activity types to a process mining model

  1. Navigate to Process Miner -> Models
  2. Select the Model you wish to assign the activity type to (‘Incidents – Assignment Group’)
  3. Within the ‘Model Activity Types’ related link, select the Edit button
  4. From the collection, assign the ‘Incidents – State’ activity type to the ‘Model Activity Types list’. Click Save

    Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated


Step 4 – Manually process the event log for the process mining model

  1. Navigate to Process Miner -> Models
  2. Select the Model you wish to assign the activity type to (‘Incidents – State)
  3. Click the Process Model form button.   This will process the event log data in the background and a notification will be sent when complete (to the users selected in the notification list)


Step 5 – Open the process explorer


Once you have received the notification the model has successfully processed, click the ‘Explore Model’ Related link to open the Process Explorer.   The functionality of the Process Explorer is documented at https://metricus.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/26000036355 in the ‘Process Explorer’ section